Deli Nature Bird's Food Amazonas Park Pantanal 2Kg

High quality mixture for all large macaw species, palm cockatoos and all other parrots/large parakeets which are  in need of a fatty, heavy diet (e.g. Golden conure).

This mixture contains black sunflower seed, large striped sunflower seed, white sunflower seed and a variety of 12% nuts (brazil nuts, walnuts, cedar nuts, peeled peanuts) - this makes it unique in its range.

The mixture is enriched with bird grit and extruded pellets for extra vitamins, amino-acids and trace-elements.

Ingredients: black sunflower seed, large striped sunflower seed, white sunflower seed, safflower, white sorghum, buckwheat, puffed maize, pumpkin seed, cedar nuts, Brazil nuts, wheat, puffed wheat, extruded pellets, peeled peanuts, grit, rosehips, paddy rice, peeled oats, carrot pieces, walnuts, marian thistle, mountain ash berries, banana slices, pineapple, papaya, chilli peppers.

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